Don’t think your employees are wasting time? Check out these statistics that provide insight on how employees get sidetracked on the job every single day.
A survey analyzed how all those wasted work hours are drained; here’s what they discovered from their 3,200 respondents:

They’re Checking Social Media and other Sites
- 41 percent visit Facebook
- 37 percent check Linkedin
- 31 head to Yahoo!
- 28 percent engage on Google+
- 25 percent are hunting on Amazon
- Only 8 percent are visiting Twitter, though.
Why Aren’t Employees More Productive? Why Waste time?
- 35 percent need more challenges at work
- 34 percent feel that they work too many hours
- 32 percent don’t see any benefits to being more productive (working harder)
- 30 percent are just not satisfied
- 23 percent are bored
- 18 percent said they aren’t paid enough
Who is Wasting the Most Time?
- 69 percent of men surf the ‘net for “personal reasons” during work hours
- 62 percent of women report the same
- 26-35 year-olds waste the most time (75 percent admitted to surfing the web for personal reasons)
- 72 percent of 18-25 year-olds surf the internet outside of work duties
Just How Much Time is Being Wasted at Work?
- About 2/3 or employees surveyed admitted to lack of productivity (i.e. wasting time)
- 39 percent only spend about an hour or less per week on behaviors that aren’t related to their job
- 29 spend two hours each week on non-related computer time
- 21 percent waste about five hours for activities unrelated to work each week
- 3 percent waste more than 10 hours each week
Time Theft Also Happens in the Most Unsuspecting Ways
Quartz broke down all the other ways that workers are wasting time; the publication cited the American Time Use Survey (the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics). Some of the self-admitted time wasters are common and might not even be on your radar as a time waste!
- More than 45 percent of those surveyed were eating/drinking on the job
- 22.3 percent were working on a different job!
- 8 percent were just chilling (i.e. “relaxing and thinking”)
- 5.8 percent were socializing
- 1.6. percent were engaging in some fun reading
- 1.5 percent were queuing up movies or shows
- 1.3 percent were working on the computer for fun (not work)
- 1.1 percent were just hanging around
- 1.1 percent were using tobacco…or DRUGS!
- 0.8 percent took a walk
- 0.6 percent engaged in travel related to work
- 0.4 percent were prepping snacks (food and drink)
- 0.4 percent were playing games
- 0.4 percent were doing research for a class
Use InterGuard to monitor their productivity and to better understand how time waste may be impacting your bottom line.